@Article{KKV12intervalgraphs, author = {Sebastian Kuhnert}, title = {Around and beyond the isomorphism problem for interval graphs}, journal = {Bulletin of the EATCS}, note = {Computational Complexity Column}, year = 2012, number = 107, url = {}, pages = {44-71}, }
Around and beyond the isomorphism
problem for interval graphs.
With Johannes
Köbler, Oleg
The Computational Complexity Column ed. by V. Arvind.
of the EATCS 107 (2012). Pp. 44-71.
Abstract. The class of problems solvable in logarithmic space has recently replenished with the isomorphism testing for interval graphs. We discuss this result, prospects of its extension to larger classes of graphs, and related issues such as constructing canonical models of intersection graphs and solving the Star System Problem for restricted classes of graphs.