Short bio
- 1981 born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- 2001 Abitur at Altkönigschule Kronberg, Germany
- 2002-2007 Studies of computer science at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
- 2005-2007 Student assistant in the group for theoretical computer science and formal specification
- 2007 Diploma thesis on Efficient search space pruning for constraint based planning of optional activities on exclusive ressources (German)
- since 2007 Research assistant in the complexity and cryptography group at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
- 2016 PhD thesis on Space efficient algorithms for graph isomorphism and representation
I belong to the house
church network Hope Berlin.
We want to put our faith into practice and support each other in
this. And we gladly provide information, when someone notices that
they know surprisingly litte about god, although they live in a
supposedly Christian country.
On this page …
- … there is something to ponder.
- … you find what I have to do with computer science.
- … my contact data is provided.